Why Choose YSG?

Increase Your Bottom Line

Yield Solutions Group (YSG) is designed to generate new refinance loan applications for Lenders seeking to generate incremental loan volume to achieve specific portfolio targets.  Our Lender partners have found that YSG-generated refinance loans outperform newly originated loans, resulting in improved portfolio performance and yield.

In addition to achieving improved portfolio yield through reduced default frequency and severity, Lenders also achieve lower Cost-Per-Acquisition and processing costs. With YSG handling all aspects of marketing, lead processing, application processing, customer service, loan document preparation, product activation and cancellation, and title perfection, Lender partners add significantly less overhead to manage the additional loan volume generated through YSG.

Let's Talk!

How Does This Benefit Your Business?

As an outsourced, full-service application generation partner, YSG flexes to each lenders’ changing needs and requirements.  When a lender has aggressive portfolio yield targets and significant growth goals but doesn’t want to invest in the infrastructure to generate those loans on their own, YSG offers a strategic, cost-effective, low-risk solution.

Lower Costs

  • Low-cost access to prequalified applications that meet the Lender’s criteria

  • Generate low-cost additional volume

  • High Look to Book rate efficiently generates rapid volume with lower processing costs

  • Simpler, more efficient, and less expensive option for originating loans without having to interface with a dealer network

Close up of a hand using a pen to point to graphs on a tablet
Two formally dressed people talking in a white office

Lead Generation

  • All loans are refinance loans with customers who have indicated a desire to refinance

  • Ability to target and generate specific criteria and types of loans to supplement existing portfolio parameters to enhance overall yield

  • Access to a broader market than the Lender can generate directly

  • Perform better than original indirect loans with customers who have proven their ability to perform on their loans through past payment history

  • For credit unions, efficient method to increase membership

Easier Outsourcing of Work

  • The outsourcing program fully supports all aspects of regulatory compliance

  • No new operations or internal infrastructure to support refinance activities needed! Originate direct loans through existing indirect channels and processes

  • Third-party moves loan from past lender to new Lender, which minimizes competitive pressures

  • Ability for Lender/OEM to refer direct refinance requests for pre-qualification/application processing

A woman in office attire smiling at her laptop

Turnkey Refinance Program

YSG’s turnkey refinance program provides lenders with a variety of solutions for creating, expanding, or diversifying a loan portfolio.  With options for generating lease buy-outs, auto loans, motorcycle loans, and recreational vehicle loans, lenders can increase volume in one or more categories.  Leads can come from sources developed by YSG or, for OEM captive finance companies, leads can be warm transferred directly from their call center or marketing efforts.

Because YSG can customize the program to specific lender requirements, lenders can also choose to add or focus on different regions to manage geographic concentrations.  By adjusting the program guidelines, the lender can also test new programs and manage yield as needed.  YSG’s program can also be used to adapt to competitive pressures, with the ability to lend in certain areas with certain programs without any visibility to the marketplace.  For all types of lenders, including OEM finance companies, using YSG as a Business Process Outsourcing partner support profitable growth without the need to build out additional internal operations.

Committed to Compliance

YSG’s policies and procedures are designed to support compliance with all applicable state and federal regulations, including newly defined requirements.  Compliance is ensured through a formal Compliance Management System including, but not limited to:

  • Formal policies and procedures related to regulatory compliance include Compliance Management, Fair Lending/ECOA, FCRA, UDAAP Prevention, GLBA Compliance, Customer Complaint Management, Data Privacy and Security, TILA, TCPA, Regulatory Compliance Training, Credit Card-PCI Processing, Monitoring/Audit, Military Lending Act, and Service Provider Oversight.
  • YSG monitors CFPB guidance and actions, adjusting operations as needed, ensuring compliance with regulations and consistent consumer protection.
  • Guidance is obtained from regulatory compliance and legal experts with comprehensive knowledge of the auto finance industry and is utilized on an ongoing bases.
  • Operating methods designed to be compliant with state and federal regulations.
  • YSG maintains a fraud reporting hotline and allows staff to report anonymously if they choose to do so.
  • The Director of Compliance serves as the point person for regulatory compliance-related matters.
  • Ongoing leadership support is provided throughout all aspects of the company to ensure a culture of compliance that ensures appropriate implementation of policies/procedures, including monitoring operations. The Board receives monthly compliance/data security reports.
  • YSG provides initial and ongoing staff training regarding regulatory compliance, consumer protection, and implementation of YSG operating policies and procedures, including addressing physical, administrative, and data security.
  • YSG supports all client Lenders’ requirements related to their Service Provider Oversight obligations.
  • YSG actively conducts Service Provider Oversight efforts on their vendors that are involved in regulated activities.

Effective Risk Management

Risk management factors into every aspect of YSG’s operations.  Risk management activities range from providing appropriate disclosures and consents to each consumer at the appropriate stages of the process to conducting all activities in our secure network and with specially-configured hardware, to the numerous physical, technical, and administrative security controls in all aspects of the operations.  Consumer protection, data security and privacy, and compliance with applicable federal and state regulations are at the forefront of every policy and procedure.  YSG recognizes that it isn’t just managing risk for itself, it is also managing and mitigating risk for its lender and vendor partners.  Accordingly, YSG works with each lender and vendor partner to ensure appropriate contractual obligations and operational controls are in place.

YSG conducts an annual Enterprise Risk Management Assessment to identify and address risks in a proactive manner.  YSG maintains and tests a Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan to support ongoing operations.  We also conduct a variety of monitoring and auditing activities to ensure our systems and operations are conducted securely and in compliance with approved policies and procedures.

Technology & Security

Operating Systems

YSG operates with an application processing system that operates like a financial institution’s Loan Operating System and CRM.  Along with sophisticated call center technology, these integrated systems ensure accurate and secure tracking, analysis, and transfer of all consumer credit information, application data, and loan structure data.  For credit union Lenders, YSG typically transfers application data through CUDL.  For other Lenders, data is transferred directly between YSG’s system and the Lender’s origination system or other designated method.

Specific functions of YSG’s systems include, for example:

A person iin a suit holding a hovering padlock labeled Data Protection
  • Prescreening leads according to a variety of Lender-defined criteria
  • Tie a code provided to the consumer in a marketing document to a specific Lender campaign to ensure that prescreened leads are assigned to the appropriate Lender
  • Automatically gather soft pull credit report and credit bureau data from consumer inquiries that have not already been prescreened for a specific marketing campaign
  • Receive and track consumer disclosures/consents for Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Electronic Disclosure Consent, either on YSG’s or a third-party referral source’s website
  • Interface with website contact form and integrates consumer reported data with credit bureau soft pull data
  • Evaluate soft pull credit bureau data and consumer-provided application data against Lender criteria for pre-qualification
  • Track and securely maintain all inquiry, application, and Lender approval data as well as imaged application documents
  • Maintain appropriate data backup, data security, system redundancy, and disaster recovery methods
  • For leads that are not generated through a specific Lender campaign, identify the best lending program for which the consumer is likely to qualify
  • Maintain all private consumer data in a secure, regulatory-compliant manner
  • Record/store phone conversations and other communications with consumers
  • Interface with CUDL and other loan origination systems used by Lenders
  • Transfer application data to the Lender
  • Receive stips from consumers through a third-party secure portal
  • Populate consumer data into Lender loan documents
  • Receive an electronic decision from the Lender

Data Management & Security

YSG maintains appropriate policies and procedures related to Data, Physical, and Administrative Security.  Other Data Loss Management policies are also in effect.  Staff members are trained on data security policies and procedures on a regular basis.  YSG performs regular service provider reviews to ensure they provide the appropriate levels of security for the services they perform and data to which they have access

Data security is managed through procedures such as, but not limited to:

A hand reaching towards a motherboard-looking screen with a checkmark icon
  • Data in the operating system is backed up and stored in AWS, a cloud-based, secure, encrypted system.
  • All consumer, application and loan document data is backed up and stored in a manner that has the appropriate levels of security for the type of data (NPI, other consumer data.)
  • Restricted access, 24/7 video, and other measures ensure physical security.
  • Data loss prevention measures include secure, scanned emails, access to data/systems limited to YSG-configured computers and YSG network, policy against cell phones in lending areas, and controlled access to white-listed websites.
  • Computers require passwords for access and have time-out programmed when not in use.
  • Authority levels are established by management to ensure appropriate access to private consumer information.
  • YSG uses IP restrictions and passwords to restrict access to systems that contain consumer data.
  • Regular internal and external vulnerability scans and remediation, encryption of data at rest and in transit, and other measures ensure data security.
  • Remote workers are required to follow the same data management and security policies and procedures, including but not limited to using specially configured YSG hardware and software.